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USPTO patent search

Use this site to view a searchable HTML version of an issued U.S. patent or a published U.S. patent application.

Public PAIR

Use this site to retrieve the prosecution history of an issued U.S. patent or a pending U.S. patent application.

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JPO patent search

Use this site to retrieve Japanese patent documents. English-language abstracts and machine translations are also available in some cases.

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WIPO patent search

Use this site to retrieve international applications filed under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT).

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EPO patent search

Use this site to retrieve regional applications filed with the European Patent Office (EPO). This is also perhaps the best site from which to search for applications filed with a wide variety of patent offices worldwide.


Surely You're Joking, Mr Feynman
Richard Feynman's admonition to scientists

Talk given by Richard Feynman at Caltech commencement in 1974 on the subject of what Feynman calls "Cargo Cult" science.

Leo Kottke
Leo Kottke

Guitar hero, philosopher, and all-around good guy.

Path at Bhavana Society
Bhante G's advice on self-improvement

Talk given by Venerable Henepola Gunaratana on 1 May 2004 explaining how wise persons correct their faults (large file warning: 33 Mb). More talks at Bhavana Society website.

-- Thanks --

The link at left is to some wonderful words delivered by Joseph Peters on the passing of Mary Peters (pictured at near left). The article from some 30 years previous which is alluded to by Joe near the beginning of his talk was written by Gerald Peters (pictured at far left; father of JTT staff member Gerry Peters).